

Calling all future stylists! Did you know that Salon Disegno offers a very competitive Apprenticeship Program? Instead of spending upwards of $30k for cosmetology school, our Apprenticeship Program provides you with the required hours of practical training and experience completely covering all of the State Board mandated subjects in order to obtain your cosmetology license. You would be working under the guidance and supervision of one of Salon Disegno’s top stylists who would follow the program to prepare you to successfully pass the Georgia State Board of Cosmetology exam. Within the two years, an apprentice is able to start building a clientele to become a full time stylist at Salon Disegno, jumpstarting their career by almost two years compared to the average cosmetology school student. Apprentices work full time in the salon in addition to completing training courses with a Master Cosmetologist.

Benefits of the Apprenticeship Program at Salon Disegno:

  • Save the multiple thousands of dollars you would spend going to a traditional cosmetology school
  • Paid apprenticeship
  • On the job training
  • Start building a clientele within just a few months of starting the program
Hear about Melissa's experience with the program!

“Completing an apprenticeship is the best route to go if you are hands on and want to jump start your career. I’m so grateful for the experience and know I’m leaps and bounds ahead of where I would be had I gone through the traditional school experience.” – Melissa W.

Hear what Kelsey thinks about the program!

“Apprenticeship is an awesome route to go! I love being hands on & working with amazing, supportive co-workers. If you love hair & want to make a career out of it, come work with us!” – Kelsey B.

Hear Sierra's thoughts about the program!

“Apprenticeship is the only way to go. I love working here because I am surrounded by such supportive and driven individuals. The company is full of amazing opportunities. If you are interested in getting into the hair industry I highly recommend SD as an apprentice if you want to start a career as a hair stylist!” – Sierra P.